3. Debian Installation

First, we will install Debian Jessie with minimal additional software using net install. This way we will not have to update it after installation:

3.1 Building Environment

First, install Debian. I install it with following features/specs:

Then typical Debian install script. I choose the following options to install:

I prefer to install Apache and MySQL by myself :) SSH and system utilities are ok for beginning.

First, like always make sure you have all latest packages

apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y

Now install some handy stuff:

apt-get install open-vm-tools sudo make resolvconf -y

then a quick cheat to make your life easier. Revert that change after installation on Production environment. Add your users to sudoers and disable password requirement for sudo. Add following line to the file:

nano /etc/sudoers
your_user_name ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL

enable (and configure to your needs) second interface if not enabled :

nano /etc/network/interfaces

and add following lines:

allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

save, exit, reboot system, check with ifconfig command if both interfaces are up and proceed.

Now, we may proceed and install target software.

Keep it in mind: all following commands are executed as Root. For example sudo -s  before you start entering commands. Otherwise you will get Permission Denied errors.!
